Dr. José León, MD, board certified plastic surgeon Santo Domingo, plastic surgeon Dominican Republic
Dr. José León, MD, board certified plastic surgeon Santo Domingo, plastic surgeon Dominican Republic

Dr. José León, MD

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. José León, MD

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon


Tummy Tuck
Tummy tuck plastic surgery procedure | Dr. José León, MD
Outpatient recovery time: days

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that improves abdominal contours by removing excess skin and fat while tightening the muscles.

There are many approaches to tummy tuck surgery, and “one procedure does not fit all,” says Dr. José León, a cosmetic plastic surgeon in Santo Domingo. In a traditional (or full) abdominoplasty, the surgeon usually removes excess fat or sagging skin from above and below your belly button and then pulls the remaining skin and muscles tight, making your abdomen flat while creating a new opening and position for your belly button.

Many people also opt for liposuction, to sculpt the waist and flanks—although, according to Dr. S. José León, there’s some controversy about whether this should happen before, during, or after a tummy tuck.

The procedure is very popular among women, particularly those who’ve had significant weight loss or have had children. It’s often combined with diastasis recti repair, to bring the rectus abdominis muscles back together, or with a panniculectomy remove an “apron” of hanging skin from the lower abdomen after massive weight loss.

A tummy tuck can also be combined with a mons pubis lift, or with breast augmentation or a breast lift, as part of a full mommy makeover.

A growing number of men who’ve lost a significant amount of weight are having tummy tucks, too.

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Before and after images

Woman treated with Tummy Tuck

Posted: September, 2023

25-34 year old woman treated with Brazilian butt lift, Vaser liposuction, Tummy tuck

Posted: July, 2023

All pictures displayed in this page are actual pictures taken from Dr. José León, MD patients, who gave their permission. ® All rights reserved.

Cost of the procedure: The final cost of this procedure is subject to variation and will be determined by Dr. José León, MD following a thorough assessment conducted during an initial onsite or online consultation. It is essential to recognize that individual results may vary from person to person. Contact us if you have any question.

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